Autism Teen's Viral Letter to LinkedIn Asking to "Take a Chance on Me"
Ryan Lowery’s handwritten letter posted on Linkedin.
On February 27, 2021 Ryan Lowry posted a handwritten note on Linkedin asking potential future employers to “take a chance on me.” Within just weeks, the post has been viewed 7 million times. There have been thousands of comments and an outpouring of love and support.
Lowry started his letter with "My name is Ryan Lowry, I am 19 years old, I live in Leesburg, Virginia, and I have autism.”
In his letter, Lowry reveals that he has a unique sense of humor, he's gifted at math and technology and is a quick learner, and shared that he is seeking a job in animation or IT.
"I realize that someone like you will have to take a chance on me, I don't learn like typical people do," Lowry wrote, "I would need a mentor to teach me, but I learn quickly, once you explain it, I get it. I promise that if you hire me and teach me, you'll be glad that you did."
Lowry explained to his future employer he will show up every day and work hard. people were moved by his sincerity and vulnerability. The post received more than 180,000 reactions and more than 6,000 comments on LinkedIn.
The Times shared that the letter came to the attention of executives all over America. Companies like Dell, Amazon and Microsoft responded to his letter, a former Hollywood producer offered to connect him to his contacts, and Sir Richard Branson chimed in too.
One of the people who viewed this letter was David Siegel, executive director at Exceptional Minds, an academy and studio for digital artists and animators with special needs. They train people in the art of animation and help them with job placement.
Aaron Perry who was an executive director of the Exceptional Minds company sponsored a scholarship for Ryan and surprised him and his family with the offer.
David Siegel commented on Lowery’s post on Linkedin,
“Dear Ryan and the Lowry Family - Exceptional Minds is so proud to be be supporting you through this amazing time. Thank you Aaron Parry for bringing this story to our attention and to your team for sponsoring Ryan's scholarship! Ryan you are a role model for so many and we can't wait to see you this summer in our animation programs. Welcome to Exceptional Minds - here's to an incredible future in ‘bringing new characters to life.’”
David Siegel shared with CBS that "Ryan is just another amazing example of when you use your authentic voice, whether you have autism or no matter where you're coming from, that authentic voice has led him here”. Lowry’s directness and authenticness was extremely impactful and Siegel encourages others to follow in his footsteps.
His future employer, Siegle, continued to say in an interview with CBS "He was serving frankly, as a self-advocate, and I think what he's become is a role model for the autism community” when he was asked his thoughts on Lowry’s letter.
Ryan Lowry, 19 years old, a student in the Loudoun County Public Schools system, and through an Individualized Education Program, he will be able to continue his studies until he’s 22.
Lowry is an inspiration to people everywhere, especially in the autism community. He advocated for himself and for his independence, while also recognizing his worth and assets to employers.
This example of inclusivness was extraordinary, but is rare for people with disabilities when trying to find a job. In fact, the unemployment rate is shockingly high for people with disabilities in America. According to A Thinking Persons Guide to Autism, “only 35% of eighteen-year-olds with autism go to college. Of those with university diplomas, only 15% are employed”. This means that for college educated adults with autism, the unemployment rate is 85% according to MarketWatch.
Lowry’s job offers show a promising future for this aspiring creator. His ability to be vulnerable, sincere, and courageous has been an inspiration to people all of the world. People’s outpouring of empathy and generosity for Lowry has been a moving example of acceptance and a push for inclusion.